Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What is vision?

I started reading a book with a buddy of mine called "Visioneering." The book is pretty awesome so far. It helps me put words to a lot of thoughts I've been having. This book's goal seems to be to help the reader understand what having a vision for life is and how to discern that vision through the lenses of Christ in one's life. I will definitely write more on my vision as we progress in the book, but for now I am going to try my best to blog everyday. It may not be great, but it will be from the heart and will hopefully be an encouragement to all my reader.

Today I learned about humility. I tend to be a proud man. I have some really cool skills (like numchucks) and gifts, and a lot of the time I tend to rely on my own gifts to get by in life instead of recognizing that I am really nothing and Christ is the only way anything in my life will have any impact on anything. As I was having a conversation over lunch, I began to see why I'm not ready to be a pastor. I hate it, but the guy I was talking to was right. He told me how I need to be humbled leading adults to understand how to lead. I didn't want to hear it at the time, but I do desperately need humility in order for me to get out of the way of God in my life. I saw this again tonight at my small group Bible study. We were talking about prayer requests and I began to think to myself, "I'm way closer to God than all these guys." In reality, I've been somewhat depressed lately because I haven't been spending time with God reading and praying and meditating on Him because I've been too wrapped up in video games and movies. God smacked me in the face tonight. I can only hope and pray that I will learn from this experience and that God will continue to teach me that I am nothing without Him.

Thanks for reading

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Anonymous said...

Uh oh! You might have to put an "s" at the end of "reader" now. =)

I'll be praying for you, man. Sounds like you're preaching the gospel to yourself--awesome! (I'm writing a blog entry about that, but it's taking a little while to finish) Remember that you will never be enough by yourself-- but you're not by yourself! Rock!!!

No pain, no change. Bring it!

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I finally got your sermon posted on begrace.org: http://www.begrace.org/media and http://www.begrace.org/media/mp3.php . Haven't podcasted yet.

You're definitely a Barnabas, man. Just thought that was interesting that Dave said that at the beginning of the recording. So true. So true.

Waden's World said...

Babe, you've got another reader! Yay! I love YOU so stinkin' much :)