Wednesday, December 24, 2008


To all my reader out there, I've been really busy lately with finishing this semester and working a ton and trying to get some sort of ministry in that I haven't had time to write. I am still learning and still doing whatever I can to further the Kingdom of God in this world, although it feels as though other things have snuck up and taken priority. I know this is wrong, but it's what I'm dealing with at this time in my life. This next semester, I will be attempting to graduate college so I will be taking a ton of classes and I will also be attempting to put food on the table at home so I will be working a ton of hours, so I'm sorry in advance for not writing much over the next few months. That being said, I have had some awesome opportunities to share Christ with a few co-workers, although it hasn't turned out like I wanted it to. I also have an awesome opportunity to preach this week at my church, Grace Bible Church, here in Killeen, TX. I will be talking about John the Baptist, specifically in Matthew 3, and examining his life and ministry. I appreciate your prayers and love during this stressful season in my life and also for my preaching, that I would get out of the way and let God speak through me. Anyways, I'll try to write as much as I can.

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