Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I Believe...

Life as a Christian is an interesting one. I have been reconciled, restored, renewed, saved, and am being sanctified through the persistent work of the Holy Spirit to bring me into a closer relationship with God, thus better reflecting His glory through my life.
In this process, God has revealed certain things about Himself that have given me a better understanding of His character and have given me more love for Him.
A big controversy in the history of Protestant life, has been Calvinism. I believe that John Calvin had an awesome understanding of conversion and how God works. I also believe that many people today write off Calvinism as something crazy either because they have been a victim of a "Calvinist," or they simply don't understand what it is.
I will attempt to convey the five points in five blogs that will hopefully give us a better understanding of our creator and stir up our affections towards Him.

The next 5 blogs will be:

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints

I only ask that you be patient and graceful with me as I am still trying to understand these points better. I would love to hear from you on your beliefs as well. The goal of this is simply to discuss spiritual things in hopes that our love and affection for God will grow and change us, drawing us closer to Christ.